Watching Terrible Films

Movies that make you go WTF…and laugh

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Ninja Apocalypse Review



Ever wondered what would happen after the world ended with a nuclear holocaust? Did you ever imagine it would have mutated ninjas, zombies, and ruled over by Shang Tsung? No? Well that’s how the film Ninja Apocalypse sees it.

The story is a hodge podge of other films/video-games blended together and added just a pinch of ninja action. It’s like watching The Warriors, in the Fallout landscape, with a dash of Star Wars dynamic just for good measure.  Oh heck let’s throw in a Surf Ninja cameo for good measure. So basically our heroes are framed for a murder they didn’t commit, must battle there way out of the situation using only their kung-fu skills  and the their powers to shoot lighting bolts from their hands. Yes, you heard right, they can conduct electricity with their minds.



The special effects for this film are up to par for such a very low budget production. The acting is very hit or miss especially with our lead hero of the film. Apparently the greatest master ninja of all time…is just some white guy. This film is  very Pierre Kirby-esque when it comes to the choice of the actors. While the acting is lackluster the fight scenes’ choreography is nicely done. It is truly the highlight of this film. The whole time you wish there was just more of that than the actors trying to have an emotional scene.

Laser Swords?...seems familiar.

Laser Swords?…seems familiar.

All in all Ninja Apocalypse delivers on both words in its title; it has ninjas and there was in fact an apocalypse.For an low budget feature it is actually above some more bigger blockbuster feature films, ( I’m looking at you Ninja Assassin). If you are a fan of old kung-fu films from the 70s then this film is right up your alley. Bad acting, decent special effects, and kick ass ninja brawls, what more could you ask for? Well yes better script, less filler scenes and more Ernie Reyes Jr, but that’s just nit picking.


Actual Rating: 3 out of 10

Enjoyability Rating: 6 out of 10 

All images are the property of  Naedomi Media