Watching Terrible Films

Movies that make you go WTF…and laugh

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RiffTrax vs Anaconda

Rifftrax Movie poster



That’s right the fellows from Rifftrax are back with another creature feature riffing. They recently finished taking on Godzilla now they are up for much bigger prey…JLO’s butt…er I mean the film Anaconda.  Come watch it live in theaters as they rip apart and make fun of this late 90s snake film. This film has it all: boats in the amazon, Owen Wilson looking confused, John Voight acting crazy, obvious CGI/puppet snakes, and Ice Cube saying ” Oh hell no!”


For those not familiar with this movie here is the plot summary:

“When a documentary crew traveling through the Amazon jungle, picks up a stranded man, they are unaware of the trouble that will occur. This stranger’s hobby is to capture the giant Anaconda snake, and plans to continue targeting it on their boat, by any means necessary.” – FilmFanUk 


Do not miss this awesome live event only appearing in theaters October 30th and with an encore viewing on November 4th. Tickets available now at  the Fandango website and your local theaters. Well what are you waiting for? Go order now! And in case you are still on the fence here is  a taste of what you’ll be missing.





Art is the property of RocketPop

Promotion ad is the property of Rifftrax

Anaconda is the property of  Colombia  Pictures