Watching Terrible Films

Movies that make you go WTF…and laugh

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Leprechaun Review

Nothing scarier than a ginger dwarf in stockings...wait what?

Nothing scarier than a ginger dwarf in stockings…wait what?

What is Jennifer Aniston’s best movie? Could it be Leprechaun? Most people would say no. I mean who really enjoys watching a little man run around biting and scratching people?


Does she look good with a gun or what?

Does she look good with a gun or what?

In this horror film turned comedy a leprechaun is killing people off because he wants his gold back. But the way he does it is what makes this movie better than it should be.

The gore is fake and the acting could be better. The way the leprechauns make up is used will make the most scared person laugh. The way the creators of the film too a child hood character and made him “scary” makes the film so amazingly bad that it is great.

Aww I mean terrifying.

Aww adorable…er I mean terrifying.

I don’t think I have ever seen gore so fake. When they get injured there isn’t any cut or anything, just blood where they were injured.

I think the best part of the movie might be the end when the leprechaun gets defeated by a four-leaf clover shot into his mouth by a slingshot. The death is so hilariously tragic and dramatic that you cant help but laugh.

In all if you want to be entertained by a movie that was supposed to be a horror film but isn’t, this is the movie to watch. The hilarity of the horror is almost not comparable to anything else.

Actual scale: 4 of 10

Enjoyability scale: 7 of 10



All photos and videos belong to Trimark Pictures